Thursday, March 15, 2012

Studio Visit II

A couple Sunday afternoons ago Landon was hammering away in the studio and wanted his guests to stay entertained so he suggested that we (Emma, Siri and I) mix some colours for fun. Well, let me tell you, this operation opened the floodgates! Those of you who have been friends for awhile now know that I've long struggled with a creative block that has left my pens and paints neglected. Lofty goals of "painting like the masters" combined with a discouraging lack of self discipline left me dejected and disinterested in further pursuing my painterly side. So I was especially shocked to find that I really, truly, thoroughly enjoyed painting (who knew it could be a pleasurable activity and not one where you felt worse at the end of it all). Abstract painting is really fun! Approaching my "art" (feel very presumptuous saying that, apologies) without expectation or judgement is a most incredible and freeing experience. One day I'll try again at the other stuff but for now this feels too good to stop.

Siri, Landon & half of Ryan on a Friday night.

Emma, Siri & I spend an afternoon mixing colours together.

Landon testing out a bench he built.

Pretty colours.

Landon giving art lessons on a friday night. 
Becoming one with the painting.

Pippin's paw on my leg.

Casual encounters at a wine tasting on a Sunday afternoon.

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