On Water (I), 2012, Dye on canvas
Last weekend Emma, Siri, Landon, Emma's mum and I took a roadtrip to Brimfield Mass. for the famous antique fair (5000+ vendors, oh my). Aside from the glorious amounts of junk to dig through there was a pool, hot tub, bbq, hotel bed and most importantly, cable tv to watch in hotel bed (finally got to see the Lilo Freaky Friday). I picked up the above flower crown and purple dress along with a drunk elephant, some fiesta wear and a rolling pin that I plan on using to make copious amounts of lavender shortbread.
Landon has been experimenting with sculptures to accompany his paintings. Somebody tactfully pointed on instagram that this resembled a turd, which, if true, makes me feel bad for having such average looking turds.
I've been working on a series of baby sized paintings. This one is my favourite I think.
Or maybe this one is.

Landon's latest series. You can see the full selection on his website here. The photos really do not do this series justice, they're so striking (and large) in person! Landon has such a talent for movement, something I've never been able to capture in any of my artistic endeavors. It's fitting though, he's so fluid and comfortable in his interactions with the world. Walking through the neighbourhood with Landon is a constant stop and go of hugs, handshakes and fist pumps. When Landon was a baby he wanted to touch everyone in the room, he'd be nursing and sticking out his toe to touch whoever was nearby. Which, if you know Landon, makes absolute sense; he still loves to touch people with his feet. (Wray, Siri, Rebecca, Ammirite?)
Tonight Landon and I are playing music at the Soho Madewell for a style event hosted by our pal Liz. If you can't make it I made a small sampling of songs we'll be playing here
Instagram round-up after the cut!
Last weekend Emma, Siri, Landon, Emma's mum and I took a roadtrip to Brimfield Mass. for the famous antique fair (5000+ vendors, oh my). Aside from the glorious amounts of junk to dig through there was a pool, hot tub, bbq, hotel bed and most importantly, cable tv to watch in hotel bed (finally got to see the Lilo Freaky Friday). I picked up the above flower crown and purple dress along with a drunk elephant, some fiesta wear and a rolling pin that I plan on using to make copious amounts of lavender shortbread.
Landon has been experimenting with sculptures to accompany his paintings. Somebody tactfully pointed on instagram that this resembled a turd, which, if true, makes me feel bad for having such average looking turds.
I've been working on a series of baby sized paintings. This one is my favourite I think.
Or maybe this one is.

Once again have matched my hair to Landon's paintings.
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